Mendocino Booksigning: Gallery Bookshop

For over three decades I lived in Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. I love that county and it served as a wonderful place to raise a child, my Antonia. But places that lovely don’t stay unnoticed and as people discovered its beauty and moved in, the county became more and more […]

What’s for tea? Iced chai and blackberry scones!

Dearest readers, many many months ago I detailed how I make scones, which I now make weekly. The above photo will show you how they have evolved as I am now experimenting with using fresh fruit, particularly berries. This morning’s lot I filled with blackberries which I am slowly harvesting from the front yard. This […]

I Pledge! I Do!

Unable to actually shout from the rooftops, my new optimism, shared by millions around the country, found visual expression in a potted evergreen out front of my house. Passersby find themselves quietly grinning when they spot the red bow on the decorative flag now planted in the pot. Coupled with the enthusiasm is a renewed […]

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