Mealtime Blessing

Thank you for the world so sweet. Thank you for the food we eat. Thank you for the birds that sing. Thank you, God, for everything. Amen Love and bountiful Thanksgiving blessings, Kathryn xoxo Footnotes: Photo Sea Currents courtesy NOAA; Photo Grain in Sun courtesy Frank Grisdale (Visit highly recommended!)

Book Notes: Luscious Chocolate Desserts

all photos by William Meppem, courtesy Chronicle Books If there were ever an excuse needed to focus on chocolate the holidays do provide! This week I was nagged by a relentless urging to make brownies, knowing full well I did not have the optimal recipe. (Can someone please explain to me why the Joy of […]

Bulb Fever

Last year I was seduced by the above amaryllis, here slightly stylized, and raptly handed over $40 to enable myself to share my Christmas with this beauty. This year, recalling wistfully the joy of the presence of such beauty, I made up my mind to take the practical road, utilizing the container I’d purchased last […]

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