Conner, My Sweet Bad Boy

OK, it was almost inevitable I would get to this. I knew I had to tell you all about Conner. How could I not? So here’s the skinny on Conner. Peaches and I had traveled across country together from North Carolina to Arizona. It was as far as I could get myself to go, and […]


Photo courtesy of Samara When I was a little child we always spoke the following simple prayer before each meal. With Thanksgiving approaching it seems like an appropriate time to bring it to the fore. And in honor of the many readers from around the globe who have visited this blog I am offering this […]

Grandmothers in the Garden

It was my Grandmother who somehow inadvertently taught me that there was a relationship between the plant and a caretaker. That if you watered something and paid attention to it, it would grow. Even flourish. Mind you I don’t have any recollection of my Grandmother ever gardening. The sheer suggestion that my Grandmother would ever […]

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