Lovely Rose Beads!

Fresh rose petals! Wondering what to do with all those lovely rose petals emerging in your garden? You’re in luck! One of my favorite parts of Practical Herbs by Henriette Kress was her instructions for making rose beads, and she generously agreed to allow me to excerpt that section of the book so you might […]

Book Notes: Practical Herbs

One of the marvelous advantages of long-term blogging is that one is constantly making new and interesting discoveries. One of my best and latest is Finnish herbalist Henriette Kress’s new book Practical Herbs. Indeed, scanning the Table of Contents I found myself so excited because, honestly, everything sounded like something I wanted to know more […]


Borage Honestly? Prior to moving here I had never heard of an herb called borage. I found it in abundance in the kitchen garden and had to inquire about what it was. To this day I call it BOR-age, as if were two clear syllables. And French. I have since learned that herbalists (around here, […]

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