Mendocino Botanical Gardens: Dahlias!

Presenting my first booksigning at Gallery Bookshop in the village of Mendocino last Friday had an unexpected bonus: I found out the dahlias were in bloom at Mendocino Botanical Gardens. Synchronistically, I had arranged to drop off a stack of my books for their garden shop the next day, so after an early morning run […]

The Face of Indian Summer

September is the month when we gardeners are pruning back the skeletons of plants that have nurtured us and that we have nurtured all summer long. Overgrown branches of the plum tree. Forsythia running wild. Trumpet vine shedding flowers, its seed pods drying in the Indian Summer sun, bees scurrying over them for some invisible […]

Interview with Tim Miejan–so fun!

Dear Readers, Hello! Hello! Obviously at this point in time my focus remains tightly on the publication of Plant Whatever Brings You Joy and the unfolding of its making its way into the world. This morning I sat with Antonia (just back from a summer in Costa Rica!) eating freshly baked scones, sipping tea and […]

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