Winter Butternut Squash Soup!


Most likely because neither my mother nor grandmother, as I recall, ever baked or in any way prepared a winter squash for our family, it’s taken me quite awhile to familiarize myself with the many varieties–and then to learn what I can do with them! I’m imagining if I set my mind to it I could write an entire book about winter squashes and their infinite possibilities. What is more likely, and what appears to be happening, is that each fall and winter, as the squashes come into their splendid season–just in time for the winter holidays, how convenient, and no accident, I’m sure, given the organic nature of the tie between our winter celebrations and our Harvesting, I appear to be learning each year about yet another, and adding to my kitchen repertoire–and then sharing that with all of you. So, welcome. This year it’s the butternut squash, which, pretty sure, I have never ever cooked before now. Really. I’m sure I’m not alone in this unfamiliarity with all my options. So here we go. Butternut squash soup, which might be my all time favorite, though if I review my past discoveries it just might be that I say that every year. For now, it’s my yummy scrumptious fave and I am going to share this wonderful recipe I just discovered, and tweaked–as I nearly always tweak. 😉

Winter Butternut Squash Soup

You will need:

*a butternut squash
*butter and olive oil
*two medium onions or one large one
*brown sugar
*chicken or vegetable stock, depending on your orientation
*milk or (if you are so inclined) cream
*salt and pepper to taste

Wash and dry the outer skin of your butternut squash. Cut in half or quarters, oil slightly with olive oil, place in a baking pan and place in a 375°F. oven for an hour or until the squash is tender to the tines of a fork. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Quarter your onions and cut into thin strips. Sauté onion in a combination of olive oil and butter until somewhat carmelized which is going to take a minimum of fifteen minutes. Keep stirring while this is happening. Look at that yummy goodness! By now your kitchen is going to smell delicious and you are going to get hungry!


Now remove the outer skin of your cooled squash and cut pulp into large pieces.

Place in Cuisinart or blender.


Once blended add onions. Blend. And then add one cup of chicken or vegetable stock. Blend moderately.

Pour this mixture into a saucepan over a low heat.


Season with salt and pepper. Add to this one cup of milk (or cream) and a second cup of your stock. You are now going to add into this mixture one teaspoon of curry. Blending would be easier if you were to put a bit of the soup mixture into a small cup or bowl into which you stir the curry and then return that to the soup. Lastly at this point you may also add a tablespoon of brown sugar, but I am recommending to add a bit at a time, and stop when you find the flavor to your liking. I used two teaspoons and found it be an interesting and unexpectedly satisfactory addition.

Serve this hot soup with your favorite bread for a wonderfully hearty meal!

I bet this becomes one of your favorite go-to recipes this winter! Enjoy!

Love and kitchen blessings,
Kathryn xoxo

Book News: Planning Christmas presents already? (I am!) Is there someone on your Christmas list who would welcome a copy of Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: Blessed Wisdom from the Garden under their tree? Plenty of time to order from your local bookstore or from Amazon or Barnes and Noble online! Both paperback and Kindle/Nook options available! Or please consider a copy for yourself–reading one of the 52 stories each week next year, and taking notes in your journal of what each lesson means to you! #innerwork

One Response to “Winter Butternut Squash Soup!”

  1. Yum! I love butternut squash soup, and look forward to trying this recipe.
    Great winter meal, or addition to a meal. Thanks for the hearth warming idea.

    Love you,

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