Perfect time of year for persimmon bread!

Just before Thanksgiving I took advantage of our last warm weather and hosted a Neighborhood Potluck on a Sunday afternoon and invited my dear friend, artist Eta, up from Marin to join us. She arrived with this in hand–a lovely gift of persimmons from her garden! She had tucked them into a simple basket, nesting in blue tissue paper and popped in some sprigs of nandina berries and some little autumnal mums, making for a delightful presentation. Lucky me! I told her I planned to make persimmon bread and she asked for the recipe, so that request is prompting this post, which I think both she and all of you will appreciated. This recipe is a keeper and has served me and my family over many years.

A word on persimmons! There are two kinds which we see in California this time of year. The hachiya, with which this bread is made, and the fuyu, which is smaller, is not elongated underneath, making it kind of squat, and much firmer. One does not bake with it, to my knowledge. You simply munch its yumminess down once it’s ripe. Seen from above, they look the same.

Rich Persimmon Bread

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease an 8 C. loaf pan.

Whisk together:

1 1/2 C. unbleached white flour
1/4 t. baking powder
1 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 1/2 t. cinnamon
1 1/2 t. ginger
1/2 t. nutmeg
1/2 t. cloves

Measure 1/3 C. milk and add 1/2 t. vanilla.

In a large bowl beat 8 T. unsalted butter (i.e., 1/4 lb. which is one stick).

Add 1 C. sugar and 1/3 C. brown sugar and beat for at least 3-4 minutes.

Add two eggs, one at a time.

Add 1 C. persimmon, which you have dug out of its skin.

Now add the flour mixture in three parts, alternating with the milk mixture.

Then fold in 1/2 C. golden raisins and 1/2 C. chopped pecans.

Spoon batter into your loaf pan, and spread evenly. Bake about one hour. You will know when it’s done when a clean fork comes out clean after puncturing center top. 🙂

Allow bread to cool for at least ten minutes prior to cutting.

I love this bread and so does everyone I share it with. It’s rich and deeply satisfying. I hope you will make some and enjoy!

Love and holiday warm wishes,
Kathryn xoxo

Kathryn and Eta

Book Notes: A bit of exciting news: in January I will be doing a Skype session with a book club in the UK who has chosen to read Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: Blessed Wisdom from the Garden together organized by dear friend Liz Watkin, whom I know through the gardening blogger community! I am thrilled with this opportunity to connect with readers abroad! I think it’s going to be great fun. If any of you belong to a book club and are interested in doing one of these I’d be happy to discuss with you! Lastly, I hope you will consider a copy of my book as a Christmas gift for anyone you think would enjoy. Thank you so much. XOXO

6 Responses to “Perfect time of year for persimmon bread!”

  1. A treasure of a gift, so sweetly presented in the blue tissue…contrasting colors on that wheel. The high winds blew off all of the leaves our little persimmon tree had and now it truly looks like it was decorated with those sweet persimmons. I brought home some amazing leaves from my friend’s yard on Thanksgiving: huge, multi-colored persimmon leaves…thought I might try a watercolor rendition. Now I need to find some of the big, mushy ones for your recipe! (I believe many people try to eat that kind too soon and are repelled by the bitter taste. I cut up the fuyu style into my salads but the large, extremely ripes ones are best eaten by the kitchen sink with a spoon!) Thank you for your inspiration.

  2. I made persimmon pudding for Thanksgiving. It’s tasty but gooey. This looks a lot better. I’ll try it with the rest of my persimmons. Thank you.

  3. Carol, I was just viewing a KDrama over the weekend in which a tree appeared showcasing persimmons only. It was lovely, so I can imagine how much you are enjoying that tree! I hope you do the watercolor. And thanks for the tip on cutting up fuyus in salads! Kathryn xoxo

  4. Hi, Lydia, So glad this post caught you at the right time! You will LOVE this bread. And feel free in future to use banana or pumpkin purée! Enjoy! Kathryn xoxo

  5. How lovely! I adore persimmon season, and I know that’s a tasty recipe you’ve offered.

  6. Thanks, Antonia! Wish I could share directly! Love, Mom xoxo

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