Happy Thanksgiving Week, dearest readers! Yes, the temperatures have dropped, and we have entered the holiday season! I decided that this week I’m choosing to create for myself a gratitude meditation, being mindful of giving thanks for the very many blessings that grace our lives. This sunny Sunday afternoon set the tone. And as I know our weather will shortly give way to much colder temps I decided it was a perfect time to walk around my garden, as well as my “hood” to see what I might gather together to use in a holiday wreath, which I’d already decided I would make at home this year. What an excellent idea, as here were the results of my first foray into collecting a palette from which to create a beautiful wreath to grace the front door! From left to right: willow, acacia, holly, pyracantha (red berries) and privet (dark berries). As I knew that today was strictly about gathering, I decided to store this first batch of goodies in the large tub that’s always in my backyard. (Somehow these tubs always accompany households that include Border Collies, who take to them after playing ball in the heat of summer.)
And, yes, that is a grape vine on top, which I gathered in my second round! 🙂
Inspired, I set out again, clippers in hand, looking for other options.
This second round was even more fun, as by now I’d dropped preconceptions and expanded my field of possibilities! I found in addition to the grape vines, a length of dried borage, several trumpet vine pods (which I may or may not spray gold!), quinces, and, my fave, these wonderful spidery creations my new clematis made after it blossomed. LOVE them! If I were a horticulturist, or Master Gardener, or That Sort of Gardener, I might even know their proper name. But I don’t. And it’s far more likely someone will read this post and tell us all. (If you do, thank you!) I have no real need to know. I sometimes prefer dwelling in the mystery of beauties than to name them… 😉 Here’s a closer peek:
What more? What more? This last exploration was more a list of things ready at hand I will go back and cut when I actually construct the wreathe–maybe Thanksgiving Day itself or Friday. And I will post. But meanwhile, those things will do best remaining where they are growing, in my garden. They are:
Surely I will add a bit of evergreen from somewhere, but there’s plenty of beauty right here, don’t you think? I’m quite excited!
Many warm wishes for a lovely holiday.
Love and blessings,
Kathryn xoxo
Book News: Recently Fire and Ice Roses interviewed me for their site, which was very kind of them, and which I thoroughly enjoyed! Best sources for copies of my book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy are Amazon [25 five-star reviews!], indie bookstores and Barnes and Noble, both online and in their brick and mortar stores. A complete list is available (look in right column on this page). I hope you will consider copies as gifts for Christmas! And remember it’s possible to email the Kindle version of the book as a last minute–or very convenient–present! Thank you! xoxox
Posted on November 22nd, 2015 by Kathryn
Filed under: People at Play
After this long rainy grey New England day, it was so refreshing to stroll with you gathering nature’sgifts
To weave together for a holiday wreath. To me it was a reminder of nature’s generosity,,, often taken
For granted. Thank you, Kathryn for the “wake up call,” go out and pick some bittersweet, Barbara”!♡♡
What a wonderful combination of beauty. Your wreath is going to be amazing. I’m a new reader here, love the way you use words. I’m in Texas where the cold has finally arrived but the weather is so strange here we could have warmer temperatures again next week. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
What a wonderful idea, mom! Such lovely treasures you found. Thanks for sharing the adventure. Happy Thanksgiving week! 🙂 <3
Love you,
It’s hard to believe this week is upon us already! Where did this year go??? I too love creating wreathes out of whatever is available. I have never stored my gathering in water before. Does this help in preservation? Your rosemary plants look incredible! This is by far my favorite plant year round. You can use it for decoration year round, it smells incredible, and of course, who doesn’t love fresh herbs in their cooking? Happy holidays!
Barbara, yes! I’m still pondering the abundance I found all within a very short distance of my back door. Quite a lot to be grateful for! How perfect for Thanksgiving! Kathryn xoxo
Thank you, Carole West, and welcome! I will be watching weather reports in Texas. I hope you have the perfect day! Kathryn xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving, dearest Antonia! Love you bunches and deeply grateful to be your mom. xoxoxo
Good morning, Melanie, and welcome! I have stored cut plants in water in the past, and, yes, I believe it’s a good thing to do to revitalize. I also wet down Christmas trees thoroughly before I bring them in the house. And, yes, rosemary is a wonderful gift! I pick a tiny bit every day and include in my dogs’ lunches, as well, after noticing rosemary extract is included in so many high end pet foods. I read it’s good for their coats. Have a lovely Thanksgiving! Kathryn xoxo