8 Reasons to Sing Through the Stress

Kathryn, Kitty and Maloah, Rainbow Festival, Mt. Tamalpais, Marin County

In pondering what else I might do to shore myself up during these challenging times it occurred to me that I could turn to those many years I was singing, and what I knew about strengthening my voice–and thus my lungs and diaphragm. I had intended to announce on FB that I was committing to singing one half hour a day for my own well being. Imagine my delight and surprise when my daughter, Antonia Hall, a psychologist, sent me a post she had just written for her own blog on reasons to “sing through the stress”. I asked her immediately if I might post here as a guest blog post and she said yes! As I had begun singing recently and posting songs to my YouTube channel, I will weave in a couple of songs, including “Cara’s Song” about which I write in my book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: Blessed Wisdom from the Garden. You may recall I included the verses to that song in my book. Now you can hear the melody.

8 Reasons to Sing Through the Stress

Want a way to calm your stressed-out nervous system that’s fun, easy, and can be done almost anywhere? As it turns out, like many of the activities you may have left behind in your childhood, singing can offer you a wealth of health and wellness benefits. Whether or not you have any true talent has little impact on the many perks you’ll get from singing – even if you do it for just a few minutes a day.

Let’s look at some of the impressive physical and psychological health benefits singing offers.

1. Singing is a way to instantly shift your mood. The power of music is amplified when you sing along because you are fully immersing yourself in the experience. Choose songs that have been proven favorites that make you smile, and maybe even get you dancing!

2. You’ll increase your sense of well-being. Studies show that when you sing, your body releases mood-elevating and stress-reducing hormones. That makes singing an excellent method for calming your nervous system while also elevating your spirits.

3. It’s an easy mindfulness exercise. I’m sure you’ve heard that being in the present moment can ease stress and create a more peaceful mind. Singing is a fail-proof form of mindfulness, and that makes it a fantastic tool in the wellness tool chest, especially in these challenging times.

4. Singing is a way to boost your immune system. Science shows that singing naturally boosts the immune system. Anything that keeps your immune system strong is gold, and you can reap benefits with only a few songs each day.

5. Vocalizing is a form of exercise for your diaphragm. Singing gives your lungs a workout, while oxygenating the blood, which will make your whole body healthier and leave you feeling more alert.

6. Increasing lung capacity has the added benefit of strengthening the body. Expanding your chest can ease muscle tension while increasing muscle strength in the shoulders and back. This can be particularly helpful if you hold stress in your upper body.

7. Singing is great for your brain. Neuroscientist have found that singing stimulates new neural pathways in the brain. That makes it a wonderful way to spark creativity. Feeling stuck or “blocked” in your endeavors? Singing could be the way you find new answers.

8. There’s power in claiming your voice. Raising your voice in song can be a powerful experience. You may find that singing leaves you with a renewed sense of strength, too.

Thanks, Antonia! Great post!

And I close this with a second song, “Will You Remember Who You Are?” written by Gary Malkin, and posted on YouTube with his permission. I was inspired one morning to learn the song when he put it on Facebook, and then played his version and accompanied him. I hope you enjoy.

Please practice protocols, stay at home as much as you can, and find those things that nurture you during this time. I’d like to hear some of you are singing!

Love and blessings,
Kathryn xoxo

Book Notes: Guess what? I’ve begun something new! I recently did a Skype gathering with a wonderful Book Club in the UK, arranged by friend Liz Watkin, whom I know through the gardening blogger community, and who was a guest blog poster on this very blog! It was SO MUCH fun! Many thanks to her for that. And if you are interested in arranging a Book Club gathering, let me know!

4 Responses to “8 Reasons to Sing Through the Stress”

  1. So lovely to collaborate with you! I hope others feel sparked to sing with us. 🙂 <3

  2. Kathryn,
    just LOVE the photo of you ladies performing on Mt. Tam a few years back. I missed THAT festival but did attend The Magic Mountain fest in the late 60s. Thank you for sharing your gift of song and the words of encouragement during these days with TIME to start NEW practices or more effort towards the hobbies we already have.
    Appreciating you from Sonoma.

  3. Hi, Antonia! Thanks for contributing your lovely post! So appreciated! Love, Mom xoxo

  4. Hi, Carol, Love seeing you here this morning. I’m glad you are inspired by the post! Kathryn xoxo

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