A funny thing happened on the way to writing this post. I was intending to write about gathering together resources to help ensure our body’s best spring into spring, and I will, in fact, be writing that soon. However, thinking I’d include a few spring blossoms in my post, I took my camera out into the garden, even though “it was late” and, lo, this post took a turn towards sharing, for now, the beauty found in day’s lingering light upon the spring blossoms that abound this end of March in Northern California. It is my gift and joy to share with you what I beheld last evening.
The apple tree was nearly ruthlessly pruned back by “tree guys” this winter. It is responding in kind with a renewed vigor. I can actually relate! “Let your ground lie fallow” is one of the 52 lessons sited in my book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy. To some extent I did pull back this winter, and I am reaping the benefits this spring with a vital surge of renewed energy, for which I am feeling deeply grateful. It is always good to fill back up before pushing on, wouldn’t you agree?
This large forsythia harbors nostalgia for me. Growing up as a teen in Massachusetts I knew that when the forsythia on our property emerged I could look forward to much cherished warmer weather. While not as extreme in Northern California, the message is the same, and still welcomed.
One of the first roses of the season…
This property is blessed with an abundance of camellias, who are well into their magnificent display. This one is a favorite. You can readily see why!
Love and spring blessings, wherever you might be! May your gardens soon be full of flowers!
Kathryn xoxo
Book News: Lots to tell!
*Seattle’s publication New Spirit Journal ran a lovely review of my book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy and pronounced it, “insightful, practical and entertaining”! Why, thank you!
*On April 25th, Arbor Day, I will be a guest on “The Christine Upchurch Show” at 11:00AM (PDT) on KKNW-AM in Seattle, Cable Radio Network and WBLQ-AM in Rhode Island, Connecticut and New York. I will announce more details on my Facebook Fan Page. If you have not “liked” the fan page, you may by going here.
*Lastly, I am so glad to let you know I have the opportunity to meet some of you in person at Copperfield’s Books in San Rafael in Marin County on May 10th from 1:00-4:00PM. More info here. I do hope you can come!
Posted on March 24th, 2014 by Kathryn
Filed under: Plants
Lovely post Kathryn! I remember your enormous camellias and look forward to more stunning photos.
For some reason (I’m sure my therapist knows) I often get depressed at dusk and intentionally avoid looking outside that time of day. This post was a lovely reminder that there is indeed beauty out there among the shadows.
Good morning, dear Kathlene, Thank you for sharing that! I find that sometimes I can see things with my camera I might not spot otherwise. Try it! Love, Kathryn xoxo
Lovely, and what a great surprise to find so much beauty that can be captured at dusk. That apple blossom particularly appeals. And, I too
look forward to more of your camellia pics. <3
Antonia xoxo
Hi, Antonia! Thank you! Yes, try it out in the desert and see what you get! It’s interesting that we tend to look at the sunset itself at dusk, not what gets illuminated in the soft light. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere. 😉
Love, Mom xoxo
You are a most perceptive woman! Have you seen the beautiful night sky recently? Of course, where I live it is very dark so the stars are brilliant and awe inspiring. Still very cold here but Spring will come…God’s promise.
Alice, thank you for your kind words. I’m glad to know you are one of the lucky ones surrounded by darkness at night–that allows you to view our spectacular sky unadulterated by electric lights! God’s promise of spring, yes. Soon! Love, Kathryn xoxo