Spring, Glorious Spring!


As the blessing of Easter approaches I find this single flower and its accompanying bud embody the power of the message of spring. Beauty is upon us and promise beckons.

Listen, everyone has a chance.
Is it spring, is it morning? ~Mary Oliver

I need not search far for beauty. It is on every corner, every doorstep, every heart.

first rose of the season

No need to call out to the bees. They naturally hearken to spring.


Steep me in green. I will drink deeply from its well.

Let the delicate beauty of the coral bells ring in concert with my heart.

Iris, where hast thou been? Speak to us of your travels under the Earth and beyond.


How do I stay in the moment of the bud, knowing full well the flower that comes will satisfy beyond measure? It’s a yoga.


It is with easy grace I embrace the lacy joy of the spirea.

A smirk upon my face knowing this is an unadorned geranium.

At a safe distance I treasure the euphorbia, never forgetting its power to do me ill. Oh, yes.


lady bank roses


when faces called flowers float out of the ground
and breathing is wishing and wishing is having-
but keeping is downward and doubting and never
-it’s april (yes, april, my darling) it’s spring! ~ e.e. cummings


Delirious, I give thanks for the glorious beauty in which I find myself. Go out into your gardens, dear readers, into your parks, your meadows, beaches and forests and draw from the grace you find there on Easter Sunday. It is your gift from our Creator, who has created all of that–and you.

Love and Easter blessings,
Kathryn xoxo

Book News: Rhododendron lovers, please join me as I serve as Celebrity Guest Judge April 30th at the John Druecker Memorial Rhododendron Show and Plant Sale on the coast of Mendocino. Info here.

6 Responses to “Spring, Glorious Spring!”

  1. Gorgeous pics! Beauty of Spring abounds, and your words lend additional inspiration. Loveliness.

    Love you,

  2. Thanks, Antonia! Love, Mom xoxo

  3. Lovely images of your glorious spring Easter parade, dear Kathryn. I love borage, especially garnishing soups and salads. Our late spring is just beginning to pop here … about time!

  4. Thank you so much! We are into continuous rain for what seems like weeks so no one is out, although Adam & Jamie laid gravel walks over the tree roots in the rain on Saturday. I peak out at the blossems from the window. Sweet cherry & peach tree just finishing, sour cherry and lilacs coming into their own. Redbuds looks full out the windows & the dogwoods are just starting, as are the apples. The allums that we planted in pots for Adam & Jamie’s wedding in June are already sending up bud stems, far too soon so we are thinking “Plan B” and we may be up to day lilies by then, already past the roses. Happy Easter to you as well, Hugs, Julie

  5. Good morning, Joey! I just take a page from your book and put the borage in my salads! So far I’ve only really learned to put one in each section of the ice cube tray, as they make delightful additions to cold drinks in summer! Wishing you a glorious spring soon! Kathryn xoxo

  6. Hi, Julie! Wow! It sounds like the promise of spring truly does surround you in 3-D! So much to look forward to! Love, Kathryn xoxo

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