Sharing Christmas

Some of you might recall that awhile back I was invited to do a booksigning at Whispering Winds Nursery here in Mendocino County, and the generosity of spirit of the owners drew me back recently when the idea of securing live Christmas trees for our recent fire survivor families was suggested on a Facebook page I was following. This nursery is clearly a destination nursery, built under the canopies of various centuries-old redwoods and oak trees, one which sports a rambling ladybanks rose in summer. That’s co-owner Kristine Hill with me in the pic above. And she was delighted to help make that vision a reality by offering a 10% discount to those who wanted to supply fire survivor families with a live Christmas tree which they could later plant on their properties. I happily notified the editor of the local newspaper, thinking she might lend us a tweet, and boom, two days later this Christmas story ended up on the front page of said paper!

As fate would have it I had an unexpected visit from a longtime dear friend, Eta, an artist you would appreciate as she makes the most delightful succulent container gardens, which she sells throughout the Bay Area, who spent the night, and in the morning I was inspired to take to Whispering Winds. Both of us immediately brought out our cameras, well worth sharing with all of you here this Sunday morning. May the goodness and joy of this project and venture find its way to open hearts and kindle the spirit of Christmas in your lives.


my favorite tree

St. Francis




Christmas trees




Eta and Kathryn, proving old friends are the best!

Love and Christmas blessings!
Kathryn xoxo

Book News: Anyone still pondering gifts for the thoughtful on your list, please do consider gifting a copy of Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: Blessed Wisdom from the Garden. You can find on Amazon (which has currently lowered price!) and GreenPrints and a few indie bookstores around the country, including Malaprop’s in Asheville; Gallery Bookshop in Mendocino; Three Sisters in Ukiah; various Copperfields in Marin and Sonoma; Book Depot in Mill Valley; Book People in Austin; Eureka Books in Humboldt County; Four Eyed Frog in Gualala; Sun Dance Bookstore in Reno. Ask your local store to order and I will send directly. ISBN is 978-0-9815570-0-7. If you want an autographed copy let me know and we can go through the PayPal door, and I will pay your postage! I even can giftwrap and send elsewhere in the country! Ebooks are available worldwide on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and through Kobo as well. There’s still time! Thank you! Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family! XOXO

22 Responses to “Sharing Christmas”

  1. Sheer joy to read and see the photos! So many memories!

  2. What a lovely journey. Such a beautiful nursery, and the spirit of Christmas sharing is wonderful!

  3. Thanks, Patrice and Merry Christmas to you and Ernesto! Love, Kathryn

  4. Hi, Antonia, It truly is a wonderful nursery! And owned by such nice folks! And beautiful plants galore! I will take you when you come up! Love, Mom xoxo

  5. I can understand your pleasure in visiting this nursery. Beautiful displays.
    The devastation all across this great land is so sad. We all need the promise of Christmas.

  6. Kathryn Ms. Pisces,
    I love your site and your gardening tips. I am an author as well and am going to use some of your words when I put my book up for sale for the holidays. I trust you will not mind. You are a sweet spirit and I go to nurseries like other people go to museums.

    Thank you for what you are doing for the fire victims. My beautiful son Michael John did not make it out of the Tubbs fire in October. We have been devastated as a family. He was ready to meet with a realtor to buy a piece of land in Hidden Valley and was staying with family at their ranch outside of Calistoga so it is going to be a tough holiday for us. Maria Francesca

  7. Good morning, Alice, I do so appreciate your sentiments. Yes, we need all the Christmas we can get this year! May it blossom far and wide. Love, afterall, always wins. Merry Christmas, dear. Love, Kathryn xoxo

  8. Dearest Maria Francesca, I am heartbroken for your loss. I am sending warmest heartfelt energies to you and your family. Your site looks beautiful, your book intriguing. I’m looking forward to getting to know you much better. ‘Till soon, dear one. May Christmas help to heal your hearts. Love and blessings, Kathryn xoxo

  9. Kathryn,

    When I said I was going to use some of your words I meant in your ad regarding the sale of your book. My book is a book of essays called “Life is Good…When You Do the Work”. Did not want you to think I was plagiarizing your gardening book. Take good care and wishing all a Happy Holy Heavenly Peaceful Holiday Season. Maria Francesca

  10. Good morning Kathryn,
    This was such a lovely email to read first thing this morning! Thank you!
    Such a wonderful idea and place. I really enjoyed all if your pics. You and Eta look gorgeous!
    Merry Christmas❄⛄
    Love and peace,

  11. Maria Francesca, yes, dear, I understood. No worries! I did see your book on your site. It sounds lovely. Warmly, Kathryn xoxo

  12. Merry Christmas, Doreen! I am so pleased you enjoyed the story and journey through the nursery. I send you warm holiday wishes! Muah! Love, Kathryn xoxoo

  13. I love how you grab the bull by the horns to get stuff done! What a great idea with the tree promotion. A gift of lasting impact. You are a do-er, Kathryn. Baci e abbracci

  14. Hi, Ria! Thanks so very much, dear. Yes, I am rather geared for Let’s Do This. I’m pleased so many joined forces to make this come true and to get the word out. Hugs and kisses, my friend! Happy Holidays! Kathryn xoxo

  15. Lovely to see you again Kathryn! and such a wonderful nursery! Your site is great

  16. Oh, I’m happy to see you visiting my blog today, Linda! Thank you! Wishing you a lovely holiday! Love, Kathryn xoxo

  17. The kitties and angel are absolutely beautiful.. A beautiful nursery….

    Thanks for sharing..

  18. Good morning, Anusha! Thank you for the visit. I’m glad you enjoyed! Kathryn xoxo

  19. Good work Kathryn what you are doing for the fire survivor. You are really a nice soul, God bless you.

  20. Welcome, Aryan! Thank you so much! And thank you for the visit. Kathryn xoxo

  21. Is that christmas tree a spruce? It’s a wonderful shade of blue

  22. Hi, Laurence, and welcome! I do believe that lovely blue tree is, indeed, a spruce! Kathryn xoxo

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