Plant Whatever Brings You Joy has a birthday!

It’s true! Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: Blessed Wisdom from the Garden was published in July 2010! Gosh! Ten years old! And what a decade it has been!
Plant Whatever Brings You Joy has allowed me to continue to meet gardeners and readers from around the globe for which I will ever be grateful.

Here are some of the highlights of this publishing journey:

*Having my book be carried in over sixty bookstores around the country including at San Francisco Airport!

*Having a chapter from my book be translated into Dutch by Ode Magazine.
*Discovering my e-book was carried by Walmart and bookstores around the world via Kobo books.
*Publishing articles in Science of Mind magazine, Journal for Quality and Participation (reaching the business community!), GreenPrints magazine, Western North Carolina Woman, and more.
*Receiving almost exclusively 5-star reviews on Amazon!
*Doing a booksigning at Readers Books in downtown Sonoma, with wine provided by Frey Winery. To this day I have fans who attended that event!

*Finding a graphic on Twitter quoting one of my lessons.

*Having over 1,200 folks watch my book trailer even though so many marketing people thought it was “too long”. I thought it was nice. 🙂

*Learning that readers of my book were spontaneously using it as an effective oracle.
*Receiving exclusively positive reviews from the media–without exception! You will find a list on Estrella Catarina!
*Doing a virtual book event with a book club in the UK! That was particularly very very fun! (I didn’t want to leave. Trust me.) Here they are. You can see why!

*Earning back what I invested in doing things My Way in the first six months after the book was published–and having Amazon deposit monies into my account monthly even ten years later!

*Having readers tell me over and over again two primary things:

“I love your book.”
“It’s sitting by my bed.”

There is more to come. I know that and welcome that. So many doors open for authors. This is a decision I will never regret.

My deepest thanks to all who have read Plant Whatever Brings You Joy, to those who have purchased it as gifts and to those who will one day buy the book for themselves. I am so very grateful. I hope my writing has touched your hearts and given you some things to think about as you move through your lives.

Love and blessings,
Kathryn XOXO

7 Responses to “Plant Whatever Brings You Joy has a birthday!”

  1. Congratulations!! What a journey of a beautiful book! Such a lovely contribution to the world! May it continue to nourish, entertain and flourish!

  2. Thank you, Antonia! I have appreciated your support every step of the way! Love, Mom xoxo

  3. Wonderful memories Marlene, Erin and I have of being at Readers Books here in Sonoma (and I was elected to read a passage)! I’ve loaned and/or purchased PWBYJ several times. The borrowers usually want their own copy to pick up and read whenever the spirit moves them. So happy for your success with this small book packed with wisdom dear Kathryn.

  4. Our virtual Book Club event with you was wonderful Kathryn, we all thoroughly enjoyed talking with you and discussing your book, life, the universe and everything! We didn’t want it to end either! Xx

  5. Dear Carol–Yes, one of the lovelies at that event and thank you for reading a section of the book that day. So appreciated. Your ongoing support over the years is deeply appreciated. Thank you! Love, Kathryn xoxo

  6. Oh, Liz! That book club event was a highlight of my book journey! Thank you so very much for arranging it, sponsoring it and making it happen. I was honored to meet your book club friends and to share in that afternoon with you all. Lovely! Kathryn xoxo

  7. And from Alice Quintin comes this comment. Thank you, Alice!

    ~Always good to hear from you. Congrats on ten productive years.

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