Pamela Polland/Hawaiianized!


Waaaay back in the 70’s in Sausalito, when Antonia was a little girl, I joined a choir. The director of that choir was a beautiful singer named Pamela Polland and when you read my book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy you will read in part just how important she is in my life. And here we are, both of us, living out our dreams in 2010, still truckin’ and very nicely, thank you. Pamela now lives on the island of Maui, and has for many years. And all these years this accomplished musician has continued to sing her heart out with a wide variety of talented people. And all the while she has moved ever closer to incorporating the Hawaiian culture into her life–and thus ours, as you shall hear.

First I was charmed that Pamela (for years) took hula lessons, and learned to play the ukelele. How exotic, right? 🙂 Here’s my girl.

And then, immersing herself ever more deeply, she began to study and attempt to master the native language of Hawaii. She took this upon herself as a sacred duty and gift. She has honored the native Hawaiians for as long as I can remember. This was just one more way.

Another fascinating facet of Pamela’s life is that she is a swimmer. Her idea of celebrating her birthdays is to challenge herself to swim ever greater distances, say from cove to distant cove, in the gorgeous ocean that surrounds her island. She goes out with a bevy of beauties whom she affectionately called “mermaids,” of which she is one. And off they go. I have always been in awe of this endeavor as I cannot quite imagine myself doing this, ever. And I have been the lucky recipient of such amazing photos as these.


And NOW my dear friend, at the very same time I am launching my book (woot!), is releasing her new EP, Pamela Polland’s “Hawaiianized”. Given our closeness and the fact she is also Antonia’s Godmother, I was a lucky lucky girl and got to hear some of her cuts early! And I cried. I did. It made me realize how precious our parallel paths have been all these years, and how incredibly blessed we are to still be creating and I was so very deeply moved by her voice and where she’s coming from inside. I was so inspired, in fact, that I called her and got permission to offer all of you dear souls an inside peek. Because, point of fact, this music will not be available to the public at large for another two weeks, most likely. One, if we are fortunate! 🙂 On iTunes!

So! Without another word I am privileged to share with you my favorite cut (which I have been singing for two days now), “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”–Hawaiianized! Enjoy, dear readers!
Love and happy blessings,
Kathryn xoxoo

10 Responses to “Pamela Polland/Hawaiianized!”

  1. WONDERFUL!!! How very special to read this post celebrating my Beautiful songstress fairy God mother’s Lovely music! You’re both making Amazing contributions to the World!!

    Love you both,

  2. Hi, Antonia! How sweet that you are the first to comment! Isn’t Pamela’s new song just so special and happy? Big hugs, Sweetheart. Love, Mom xoxo

  3. Dear Kathryn Whom I Have Known For 35 Years,
    How deeply moving it is to be honored by you in this captivating way.
    Iʻm so touched that you would choose to share excerpts from my life and my music with your guests.
    And itʻs not lost on me that after all our years tracking each othersʻ lives, we would be within a
    month of the release one anotherÊ»s creative offerings “after a long time coming”.
    Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and your support.
    May it come back you ten fold when your book is launched.
    With a great wave of love and aloha, Pamela

  4. Awwww. Good morning, Pamela! It is totally my pleasure to share your beautiful creation with visitors to my blog! Your Rainbow song puts smiles on faces, a pure expression of JOY! Big hug across the Pacific! Love, Kathryn xoxo

  5. I have been telling my daughter, Susan, about your blog for years, Kathryn, but I just have to send this post on to her. As a young person, she will hear Pamela’s rendition of ‘Over the Rainbow” from Hawaii as a combination of “Lost:” meets the last episode of “Glee” (even before it aired!!!) but she will also love Pamela’s committment to the preservation of the culture and the native arts. Hawaii has been such a draw for people for some time. We now have four different sets of relatives and friends living there, three sets there to study and/or teach in universities, none of whom know each other. Now Susan’s best friend is thinking of moving there as well as soon as she finishes vet school if her husband is accepted into graduate school there. He wants to do a PhD in East Asian and Native literature (including oral traditions) and Hawaii seems to be the place to go. Congratulations to Pamela for helping to preserve a culture that is, even now, rapidly disappearing.
    Hugs from Columbus, Julie

  6. Hi, Julie, It is gratifying to hear praise for Pamela’s sensitivity to the native culture and population. She is also a fierce defender of wildlife. It would not be hard to be inspired to protect Nature when one lives in such beauty. Kathryn xoxo

  7. I love the image of your friend and the fabulous pictures she takes of wildlife. I want to go back to Hawaii. Her music is very cheerful. Congratulations on your book!

  8. Good morning, Sarah, and thank you very much! I love imagining you in Hawaii! I think of you now in colder regions. It would be lovely to see what you would capture with your camera and words in the Hawaiian islands! Kathryn xoox

  9. This was just wonderful.
    Reading this filled my heart.

  10. Hi, Philip! Thank you so much. 🙂 Kathryn xoox

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