Never Estimate the Power of One Tiny Seed

Never underestimate the power of one tiny seed

For anyone needing a prescription for faith and wonder I heartily recommend the following. Go to a nursery and buy a package of lobelia seeds. Any variety will do. Come home and very carefully open the package. (Make sure no breeze is blowing!) Look inside. Pour the seeds out in your hand and contemplate their minute size and then look at the picture on the front of the package. If you are not sufficiently moved, get some dirt, put it in a container, stick some seeds somewhere close to the top layer, place the container in the sun and water gently for ten days. As the delicate green begins to emerge and happy faced tiny purple and blue and white flowers begin to blossom allow yourself to contemplate the fact that the same forces of nature that govern the teeny lobelia seed govern you. Lobelia seeds, not unlike many others, are so small they would at first glance appear to have no value whatsoever! How could anything that tiny turn into anything anyone might be interested in? Yet given the right environ and nurturance the tiny seed grows to a hearty colorful plant that borders gardens and livens planters worldwide.
If you were given the right sustenance, the corresponding water, earth, light and food, what might you become? There really is no difference. Anytime you forget your own value and worth, consider the size of the little lobelia seed and remember that you, yourself, contain a seed within that longs to come to fruition. That is what you are here for. That is your task and your destiny. What might you yield, dearest readers, under the right conditions? Take yourself there!

Love and garden blessings,
Kathryn xoxo
[Yes, dearest readers, the above post is an excerpt from Plant Whatever Brings You Joy, which some of you will recognize. :)]

Book News: I was recently honored to be a guest on Vancouver’s “Conscious Living Radio” which airs each Wednesday evening at 6:00PM (PST). If you missed it, the podcast has now been archived and is available for your listening pleasure. The link is here.

20 Responses to “Never Estimate the Power of One Tiny Seed”

  1. Lovely! What a great metaphor, mom. It’s a favourite of mine, from your beautiful book. Thanks for sharing! I know many will feel inspired and touched. ๐Ÿ™‚ <3


  2. Hi, Antonia, Thank you so very much. Love you bunches. Happy Valentine’s Day. Mom xoxo

  3. And from a little acorn, a mighty oak!
    Beautiful thoughts and photos!
    Lea’s menagerie

  4. Hi, Africanaussie! So glad you enjoyed! Kathryn xoxo

  5. Hi, Lea! Thank you! Yes, the proverbial acorn sprouting into the mighty oak tree. An acorn does work. But the awesomeness of a teeny tiny lobelia seed–priceless! Kathryn xoxo

  6. Lovely Kathryn! Thank you for reminding us of the divine potential within all of us.

  7. Hi, Kathlene, Thank you, my dear friend. Kathryn xoxo

  8. You always inspire me and this reminder of God’s provision in a tiny seed and in us is powerful truth. I just appreciate you so much. Alice

  9. Hi, Alice. The gifts we encounter daily in Nature are truly enough to sustain us through lifetimes. Thank you for your kind words. Kathryn xoxo

  10. Ah Kathryn, one of my favourite pieces to dip into when I’m feeling a bit down! xoxox

  11. Hallo, Liz! Thank you so very much! Lovely for you to say. Kathryn xoxo

  12. What a wonderful and uplifting post! Thank you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Hi, Randy and welcome. Thank you for the visit and your kind comment. Kathryn xoxo

  14. Kathryn,

    What an inspirational post; it reminds me of my experiences with Cleome hasslerana. I bought a flat in New Jersey while waiting for a concert. Now, every year, I have last year’s seeds pushing through the soil. I can thin them out or reposition them in seconds. They bloom all summer and into the fall. They are spectacular. It’s hard to believe the seeds that dropped from a prior year will fill an entire bed with beautiful color. Thanks for reminding me!

  15. Welcome, John, and thank you for sharing your garden miracle! Yes, the sheer witnessing of life in the garden is a constant source of inspiration! So true! Kathryn xoxo

  16. Delightful. Seeds blow me away, every time.

  17. Ien in the Kootenays, welcome! Yes, so true! Instant miracle! Kathryn xoxo

  18. if there was any pep talk i needed today, this was it ๐Ÿ™‚

    it’s so funny that even when you know all this, you do not internalize that you are only a victim of your own pity. every single time, you need some reinforcement to understand that every obstacle shall pass away.

  19. Good morning, Bhavya, and welcome. I’m so glad you came upon this piece at the exact right moment. Lovely. Kathryn xoxo

  20. Hi, Alex and welcome! Lobelia is such a special, sweet plant. I agree.
    Kathryn xoox

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