In Search of Spring (Still)

Granted this insatiable quest for spring (echoed in antsy gardening blogs around the globe, I might add) is fueled undoubtedly by weeks of warm dry weather. Not a drop of rain. So of course I got my hopes up, shoving my guilt to the back of the room, knowing in my heart of hearts we desperately needed the rain as neighbors began predicting water rations and the inevitable parched lawns. But having arrived at one of heaven’s many doors last week in the heathers at Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, I continued my search and who’s to blame me? Little did I know that the “worst” Arctic-fed storms of the season were about to embark on their journey through Northern California and that I would be left in jaw-dropping awe this week as snow levels dropped to the lowest I’d ever seen them, leaving the local hills reminding one of, say, Colorado, rather than California. (That mars one pictures, doesn’t it?) Armed with optimism I nevertheless went about like a soldier in search of spring, so who’s to say what season I am in? Maybe my own. And this is not a bad metaphor for the times I feel obliged to say. Here’s what I found.

Aww, the worthy and loyal crocus. Dave says these crocuses were out front when he bought his house in the 50’s and they have reliably come up every single year with no fuss whatsoever. What a great investment and what a treasure, no? And no wonder I’d think spring so close with these blossoming in a long row just next door! In any case, they have my attention and I’m banking on spring by their presence. (What are you hanging on to at the moment?)

And, of course, there was so very much more. (One simply has to look, right?)

A lovely plum

One of my very very favorites, the acacia. (I seriously considered naming Antonia Acacia before she was born. I really did.)

This moss did not reinforce the notion of spring but it certainly caught my attention!

Good morning, pretty daffodil! Thank you for your beauty.

Having satisfied myself that spring was afoot in my own immediate world I ventured out to my dear friend Conny’s garden to see what was emerging there. Lucky me, Milli was on hand to greet me and keep me company. Hi, dear Milli!

I have loved her from the moment I met her and am so grateful to have her in my life.

Off we go.

This garden might be a bit further behind in what is opening, but the beauty abounds.

Coral bark maple, so aptly named and gorgeous in the rain!

Something coming up here! They look like tulips, don’t they? I’m sure they are!

Cute little rosehips. Good they are in Conny’s garden and not mine. I’d have drunk them all by now as tea. They are such a good source of Vitamin C!

Having thoroughly comforted myself that spring is reliably just around the corner I head off to a favorite cafe and snuggle up in a big chair and warm myself by the fire. Yes, life is well and good and happening. Deep gratitude there.

Love and garden blessings!
Kathryn xoxo

37 Responses to “In Search of Spring (Still)”

  1. What a lovely post Kathryn, thank you so much!

    I’ve just been out for a little wander round my garden (I needed a breath of fresh air after a day of indoor renovations!) and found quite a few shoots, but no flowers as yet – although there is hope that the heathers will burst into flower very soon. But, for now, I am content to make a big comforting meal for me, Himself and the numerous teenagers lurking in the house and then spend the rest of the evening curled up with a glass of wine by my fire. Spring will come in its own time!

  2. I enjoyed your search for spring. The next few weeks can’t go by quickly enough for me!

  3. Spring is well on its way! That looks like a cozy spot in front of the fire.

  4. Beautifully put,there are treasures to be found . All we have to do is look.
    Lovely pictures and a good reminder that another happy season will be coming.


  5. Beautiful pictures, I am happy for you to have found many more signs of spring than I can here in Indiana. I do have several small signs of growth just under the dirt. But the only true sign of spring being close, is that the birds are starting to return. I am glad that all of the bloggers have started showing their signs of spring, mine are taking too long.

  6. Hi, Liz! I applaud your plan! Cozied up with the family with a nice glass of wine sounds like a fine thing to do on a chilly evening! Kathryn xxoo

  7. Hi, Sue! I know you are not alone in that sentiment! Kathryn xoxo

  8. Hi, Robin, I’m certain you are noting all the signs and documenting for your readers! Kathryn xoxo

  9. Thanks, Patsi, for letting me know you enjoyed this post. Thanks for the visit! Kathryn xoxo

  10. Hi, Vicki, the signs of birds returning is always a welcomed and heartening event. Good for you for noticing them! Kathryn xoxo

  11. The acacia is stunning, as is that coral bark maple. Here’s to rain, and soon, Kathryn.

  12. Hi Kathryn and thank you for those wonderful and heart warming spring photos. Outside my windows the snow is still falling, right this minute as a matter of fact and it is freezing cold.

    Take care/ Tyra

  13. Hi, Pam–Wondering if you have acacia in TX? And sounds like you are still in dire need of rain. I bet some of these storms will come visit you and your new garden. I can’t imagine they won’t. I know they are making it to the south. Southern CA has had more rain this year than we have (!!) but we are fast catching up. May you also! Prayer flags waving! Big rain hug! Kathryn xoxo

  14. Hi, Tyra! Having lived in Amsterdam for three years (sans snow) I can vaguely imagine what you are experiencing, at least in terms of cold and darkness. It’s beautiful and then wearying, no doubt. And then the spring will arrive and you will make the very most of the window you have and I look forward to sharing that via our blogs. Warm blessings! Kathryn xoxo

  15. (Sorry. WP acting up again!)
    Racquel says:

    Those are some sure signs of spring in you & your friend’s gardens! Lovely!

    Hi, Racquel–Yes, I’ve joined the throngs looking for all and any sign that winter is about done, while still doing my best to embrace that our much needed rain is upon us, mud and all! Kathryn xxoo

  16. How Beautiful, mom! What a Wonderful share of the Spring Beauty already
    arriving, and promises yet to come! πŸ™‚ Awww! I just want to hug Milli; what a
    Ummmm, ACACIA?!?! LOL You’ve never told me that before! Yes, you chose
    wisely and perfectly, thank you! πŸ™‚

    Love you,

  17. LOL! Good morning, Antonia! πŸ™‚ It was a brief consideration. Must have been a spring thought. Glad you were born in summer! Love, Mom xoxoo

  18. A beautiful post, Kathryn, made to shorten the days until Spring reaches the Great White North. πŸ™‚ Although, I must say, it looks and sounds very springlike here in Nova Scotia today.

  19. I love the moss, the acacia, the daffs, the coral bark maple…the dog is awfully cute too!

  20. Good morning, Nancy! Yes, I was hoping to cheer the hearts a bit of those still snowbound (as well as directing my attention to the promise of spring–an excellent exercise in its own right!) πŸ™‚ Glad you see good signs today. It’s raining like heck down here and all gratefully received! Kathryn xoxo

  21. Welcome, Grace in Oregon! Nice to have you visiting this grey morning! I think you chose my favs, too! I was stunned by the coral bark maple. So rich. And THANK YOU for acknowledging Milli! I kept wondering, “Do my readers not love dogs???” She’s the sweetest thing. You would love her, I bet. πŸ™‚ Kathryn xoxo

  22. So glad that I am not the only soul searching for Spring! Soon, I keep telling myself as I keep looking toward the ground for green and towards the sky for birds!

  23. Hi, Mary, No you are in very good company on the spring front, trust me! It’s rampant in the gardening blogger community at the moment! Thanks for the visit! Kathryn xoxo

  24. Your photographs are beautiful Kathryn, thank you for sharing them.

  25. Good morning, Susan! Thank you so much! Thanks for stopping by today! Kathryn xoxo

  26. Hi Kathryn, It was fun to see the variety of early Spring signs.

    I’ve been curious as to whether you’ve ever heard the outcome of your sending all the scarves (hats and mittens). I’m hopeful you’ve received word of their arrival, and hopefully a whole host of people are enjoying them. πŸ™‚

  27. Good morning, Shady Gardener. So glad you enjoyed the tour.

    Updates on the Scarf Initiative are still being posted at
    Thank you for asking!

    Kathryn xoxo

  28. Oh, Kathryn! How can you flaunt your Calfornia spring while outside my window snow is falling…and so is the temperature! Here in the land of your New York ancestors winter is still firmly entrenched, but that only makes the spring so much sweeter when it comes.

    My Snoopy cat is sitting in my lap and opines that Millie is pretty good looking for a DOG!

    Much love, cuz.

  29. Good morning, Loma! Well, today it is raining, so we are back to much needed winter rains. πŸ™‚ Give Snoopy a wet kiss from her CA cousin. Kathryn xoxo

  30. Great pictures! I do love those perennials that keep coming back year after year with little human aid. I just planted some apple and pear trees for my yard.

    We don’t have much blooming here yet, but it was 60 something earlier today and it rained this evening, so I spring must be coming. πŸ˜‰

  31. Welcome, Lindsay! How fortunate to have planted apple and pear trees in your yard! You will enjoy them for years and years to come. Bravo! Kathryn xoxo

  32. I think the angle of your crocus photo is splendid. At first, I thought it was a golden Hosta emerging from the ground. Then, I realized these were the yellow crocus like my one little one in the garden. Spring is slowly emerging all over the country. We only have to look, right? ~~Dee

  33. Welcome, Dee, and good morning! Yes, spring is indeed emerging nearly all over the country, or preparing to, and, yes, if we look, it’s there. In California it’s bursting at the moment in spite of days and days and days of very much needed belated rain. Nice to see you here today. Thank you. Kathryn xoxo

  34. I’m in love with the coralbark maple– wow! I’ve never seen one before. And the combination of the coralbark with the ornamental grass is a simply stunning winter tableau.

  35. Hi, Lori! Yes, isn’t the coralbark spectacular? And I also noticed that splendid juxtaposition. That Conny is an artist in the garden (and everywhere else as well!). Thanks for the visit! Kathryn xoxo

  36. what is the name of the first picture….it says mag1?????

  37. Hi, Beverly, It’s a magnolia. Kathryn

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