As some of you will recall my last blog post was afire with enthusiasm for fire pits, inspired by gardening author Helen Yoest, who wrote a guest post about her own fire pit in her garden. Kindled in my new found passion was the realization my 72nd birthday was upon me, nearly, and that if I applied myself aptly I might actually combine the two, making a new fire pit the center of my birthday festivities. I began researching fire pits and made the decision to purchase one made by Landman and to purchase it locally. All that was left was to decide which design. I chose the vine pattern since I live in wine country. I added a simple layer of white granite stones beneath and a circle of flat stones to provide some small bit of structure. Granted, having two Border Collies who chase balls in the back garden, the stones are on occasion rearranged, but all in all I am quite delighted with the simple yet tasteful result.
While processing all of this I had come to the conclusion I needed someone who could bring folks together at my party in a profound and meaningful yet fun way, and what came to me was to contact my old friend Onye Onyemaechi, a very talented Nigerian drummer I’d met at a conference in Acapulco where he was performing. I remembered fondly his contribution and wondered if he might be available for my celebration. Happily, he was! And so it was arranged.
Once I knew I had the gift and support of Onye’s talents I proceeded to pull my garden from its winter state into something resembling spring! Fortunately the weather warmed over the days and weeks and met me more than half way. My guests were treated to a bevy of promises of spring.
Honeysuckle miraculously opening just in time
Favorite roses lending their charm
Nigerian drummer Onye Onyemaechi came up last Sunday afternoon to the party with his many beautiful drums!
He led my guests in a wonderful birthday celebration, leading us in a drumming circle as well as inviting my dear friends to share their wishes for me for 2015. What a joy and honor!
“There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.”
~Teilhard de Chardin
And then we all had cake! Princess cake, of course!
“Age is a number and it doesn’t matter unless you’re a bottle of wine.” ~Joan Collins
This truly was my all time favorite birthday! I am so grateful I listened to the whisperings of my heart, prompting me to find the perfect fire pit, clearing the space, inviting Onye and the many guests who came from many counties to join me. To each I extend my heartfelt gratitude for your love, blessing and presence. And a special thank you to my dearest daughter who drove up from Southern California to share in the festivities!
What is it your heart is telling you, dear readers, on this newest Earthly spring day? What might you create, surprising and delighting yourselves? Do tell!
Love and garden blessings,
Kathryn xoxo
Footnote: More information about Onye’s wonderful work can be found at Village Rhythms!
Book News: Nicest thing I heard this week about Plant Whatever Brings You Joy is that Mary Jasch, editor of Dig-It Magazine spoke recently at a garden club in New Jersey, and she says they loved my book and bought two copies to give as door prizes to those who attended her talk. How special and how sweet and how grateful I am! ~ If you have not yet “liked” the Plant Whatever Brings You Joy Fan Page on Facebook, here’s a link! Thank you!
Posted on March 19th, 2015 by Kathryn
Filed under: People at Work
Congratulations on your birthday celebration..sounds delightful. Best wishes for a fulfilling year ahead.
As for was 9 degrees in my frozen world with shimmering frost on every tree as I took my dogs for their morning walk up the hill at 8am. Beautiful and I enjoyed walking on top of frozen snow knee deep without needing snowshoes. Spring will be quite late coming here I think. Still, not pushing away my days but seeking to find the beauty in each one.
God bless
Dear Alice, You East Coasters are a brave lot. Your winter has been most harsh and it’s wonderful to hear your appreciation of the beauty which surrounds you. Blessings! Kathryn xoxo
Thank you for including me in your inaugural fire pit celebration, it was an honor. Onye was wonderful and the ceremony was indeed profound.
Good morning, Kathlene! It was a joy to have you among us. Thank you for coming and helping celebrate! Love, Kathryn xoxo
Haiku for Kathryn
Visions in motion
Fire pits and friendly talks
A backyard birthday.
How did Spring slide in?
With the eclipse’s shadow…
Go make a bouquet!
( always enjoy your inspirations K.)
Lovely! Your garden was a nurturing haven of wonder and delight, mom. The fire pit ceremony was poignant and will remain a memorable treat. So grateful to have been there to honor you and your next circling ’round. Love you, ~Antonia xoxo
Hi, Carol! What a lovely haiku you’ve created! Thank you so much for sharing! Glad to see you here this morning! Kathryn xoxo
Hi, Sweet Antonia! Creating a lovely memory for all in attendance (and beyond) was one of my intentions. Having you in the circle was one of the special treats. I’m so glad you came and enjoyed the adventure! Love you, Mom xoxo