Entering a New Decade!


Well, dear friends, I have taken the step over the threshold into my 8th decade on planet Earth! If I lead you to think I am blithely announcing this, I would be lying. I thought about it. However if the Pope can be known to the world as now 76 I can be known as officially 70, was my reasoning. And, as he enters the next phase of his work and service on behalf of those us and those who live among us, I embrace the mantle of my own humble next steps, continuing to dedicate my life’s work to making a difference. Not to mention that anyone who has read my book carefully will note my birth year is included on copyright page, per US custom. I proudly move into this third act of my life, intending fully to be a healthy role model and lovely krone, though I make no promises about putting aside The Things of Youth, as I still want to learn how to dance hip hop as well as many other numerous endeavors and adventures. So, here we go!

I had been determined in planning this party that there would be live music! I searched high and low for a mariachi band but all leads led to tepid ends and did not materialize. Instead, I was led to a wonderful Cuban singer named Marcos, who came, auditioned, and was secured to serenade us! What a delight!

photo courtesy of Maloah Stillwater

We gathered around two of my garden tables in the soft sunshine of spring. Given that it rained this week I felt especially grateful that the good weather was a blessing on that day, which everyone did enjoy, as you might imagine!


As gardeners, particularly, one always hopes for one’s prettiest blooms to be showing, a bit of a stretch in March, and while the plum tree blossoms had, indeed, come and gone, we were not one wit disappointed. No, we were lavished upon. ๐Ÿ™‚

The forsythia opened just days before…


The camellias were in full bloom.


I’d never seen the quince more beautiful!


I’d found these Tiger Eye pansies to fill empty winter pots. So cute.


And I’d found several of these very fun metal sculptures to line and bolster an aging fence along the kitchen garden. Whew!


And so, dear readers, I begin another trip ’round the sun. I know this marks a new phase of bringing forth the messages in my book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy. I have made a decision and commitment to do more radio interviews, more booksignings, more appearances, and to develop a media presentation of the life lessons therein that will enable me to meet more folks in person in far more varied venues. As my lovely, wise daughter, Antonia, points out, “Our true heart’s calling is found outside our comfort zones.” Off we go! I hope to meet you on the road.

Love and spring blessings,
Kathryn xoxoox

Book News: Mark your calendars! In keeping with my announcement I will be appearing at Copperfield’s Books in Healdsburg May 10th at 2:00PM. Synchronistically this is National Public Gardens Day, and the Friday before Mother’s Day. I’m also being interviewed May 5th on “Conscious Discussions” at 10:00AM (PDT) on blogtalkradio. I will remind you as date is closer. More to come!

15 Responses to “Entering a New Decade!”

  1. Yay! I cannot wait to see what you do as the next journey ’round the sun begins for you, mom! You have so many gifts to offer the world, and I know you’ll have lots of fun doing so, too!

    Love you,

  2. Happy Birthday!
    It looks like you had a wonderful celebration!
    Lea’s Menagerie

  3. Hi, Antonia! Thank you for those lovely well wishes as I enter this next big adventure. I always appreciate your support so much. Love, Mom xoxo

  4. Thank you, Lea, for the birthday wishes! Kathryn xoxo

  5. Hi, Africanaussie, Thank you! I will be doing events that get recorded. I’m posting links to interviews on my Facebook Fan Page. Link on right hand side of this blog page, if you care to poke around. ๐Ÿ™‚ Kathryn xoxo

  6. Happy Birthday! It’s such a treat when we gardeners can celebrate “our” day outside in the sun surrounded by friends and our plants!

  7. Hi, Loree, and welcome! Thank you! Yes, so true! Best of all worlds! Kathryn xoxo

  8. Each day is a gift -and you show us that with your beautiful spirit. I am so excited about your book signings and the radio interviews -i will have to see how to find blog talk radio. You are a born teacher, and you inspire and bring all of us joy. Hip hop! yes, and even creating your own kind of dance, moving in this beautiful world.
    Happy birthday!
    ๐Ÿ™‚ !!! xx

  9. Good morning, dear Philip! Thank you so much for your very kind words. I so look forward to the possibility of our meeting in person this year, as I expand my itinerary! Thank you, friend, for your nurturing support. Kathryn xoxo

  10. Such a glorious garden displan and warm enough to rest and visit outside! What a blessing for a 70th birthday. Here are my happy birthday wishes from afar. I’m 65 this year but have not thought of doing much although the kids threw me a wonderful suprise 60th party. Your flowers so inspire me. We now have snowdrops, winter crocus, dutch crocus, the smallest of the bulb Dutch iris and the heads of more to come, daffodils up and just starting to bud, but while it was 82 last year on the first day of spring here (far too hot), we are back to snow again this weekend. Springhil just sent me plants to put in the ground. They cannot possibly think I’m planting yet!

  11. Hi, Julie! It was, indeed, very fortunate. I’m so grateful, especially as three days later it rained for two days! Your garden sounds lovely as it unfolds. Yes, I follow so many gardeners back East, down South and in UK who are all anxious for their spring to arrive, understandably! You’ll be there in no time I’m sure! Blessings on your garden! Love, Kathryn xoxo

  12. Aah Kathryn, your Spring birthday party brought a wonderful splash of colour to our white world! I know you had a fantastic time – how could you not in such a fabulous setting?
    Many, many happy returns!

  13. Hi, dear Liz, Thank you! So sorry the UK is dumping so much snow on you this March. Glad my flowers brought a teeny bit of cybercheer across the pond! Hugs! Kathryn xoxo

  14. Such flair for life is very refreshing. I hope you do learn the hip hop dance, and best of luck in your new phase of life!

  15. Hi, Sasha, and thank you so much for the well wishes! Kathryn xoox

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