Book Notes: Attracting Native Pollinators

More and more I am awakening to the realization that I am destined to become a beekeeper. It is part of my spiritual path. It’s simply a matter of when and where. Meanwhile, as a kindly gentleman from Sonoma Beekeepers Association pointed out to me recently, “Start learning now.” And so I am, following my […]

Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: the Trailer!

Love and bountiful blessings! Kathryn xoxo Footnote: And, if you’d like to watch that again, ON A BIGGER SCREEN, it’s now on YouTube!!

Book Notes: The Teeth of the Lion

Not so very long ago I noticed a large-leaved plant growing just in front of the ample bank of lavender that graces the front garden every summer, always very full of bees. What is that? I asked myself. A romaine? For several days after I continued to ponder this question as I sprayed the lavender […]

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