
pumpkin harvest

Truly one of the joys of life for any gardener is growing pumpkins, harvested just in time for Halloween, and if you have not done it ever, I encourage you to try! This year I did not, but the above photo illustrates the venture as part of my history, which I treasure. Those “without the space” can look into vertical gardening, for pumpkins will climb, and happily!

Halloween pumpkins

Pumpkins are only one of the many images that come to bear on Halloween [Hallowed (Holy) Evening] and the more imagination one has, the more the imagery works upon the soul, I do declare.

scary cat, hahaha
Traditionally this is the time of year, as the days shorten and the nights become cold and long, when the veil is thinnest between the worlds, beckoning a visitation, and celebration of those departed. The energetic backdrop of Scorpio only enhances the possibilities!

Song of the Witches by William Shakespeare

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.


During Halloween our festive imagery abounds, harkening the arrival of these last months of our most cherished holidays, presently nearing our hearth and doorsteps.

Among the most charming and endearing images are our children in costume. Some happy.

chica bonita

Some, not so much, a reminder that Halloween can be stressful even for delighted children who might need special attention midst the rush to activity.

Nevertheless, endearing angels, don’t you agree?

My love for Halloween began as a child when I became overwhelmingly excited that for this one very special night of the year all the doors in my lovely neighborhood, without exception, opened. And for that brief flicker of a moment I was able to peer inside and learn more about who lived about me, about which I must have had an insatiable curiosity. It was this gift which I treasured far more than the candies and homemade cookies and fruits they lavished on me at the door. I got to look inside. The fact that it was evening and the houses were lighted by artificial lighting only enhanced the splendor of those moments for me. I can still feel my excitement and wonder.

What will you be doing to honor this Halloween tradition in your communities this year, and what memories are kindled as we reenact this holiday once again?

Love and Hallowed Evening blessings,
Kathryn xoxo

Book Notes: Most excitedly, OdeWire has now published the story of The Scarf Initiative in which so many of you took part. Feel free to visit their site and leave a comment about your participation!

I’m also honored to announce that Dig-It Magazine is publishing a review of Plant Whatever Brings You Joy along with an interview with me in the next two weeks. I will post a link when it is published.

Lastly, new book trailer here!

Happy Halloween!

8 Responses to “Boo!”

  1. Halloween has never been high on my list of Holiday delights. Your post made me want to dress up and go to the homes of strangers, if only to see what kind of container they used to hold the candy.

  2. Hi, Nell Jean, and welcome! Your comment really cracked me up! Thank you! Kathryn xoxo

  3. Great pics, mom! How very festive and fun!! Thanks for sharing your delight in this wonderful time of year!

    Love you,

  4. Hi, Antonia–Thanks! A very fun post to shoot and write! Love this time of year! Love, Mom xoxo

  5. When the kids were little, there were 4 holidays, Christmas, Easter, their birthdays & Halloween. For Adam they were set about 3 months apart each, give or take, so he was always either just getting over or getting ready. Since the little ones struggle up the steps to our house, Sue & I put chairs at the end of the drive by the street or roll down one of the wagons & pop the back hatch & sit in the back, depening on the weather. We put glow sticks in the bushes and lanterns on the ground & offer candy out of a big stainless steel bowl. Each year we have the best time watching all the little ones who are growing up in our neighborhood. It’s a special time for the community & we enjoy the parents as they lead their little ones around. Usually at the end we get the Jr. High kids. Since Worthington is doing it tonight and Columbus did it last week, we expect a big crowd again. Numbers have been up the last two years. Before that, we were down to almost no one as the new generation had not grown up enough to come out.
    Happy Halloween, Julie

  6. Hi, Julie, So kind of you to make that candy available to the little ones at the bottom of the steps! Glow sticks sounds like a great idea! Next year! Kathryn xoxo

  7. So fun to see and read your post. The grandkids and I tried to grow giant pumpkins this year. Ian especially took great care to remove blossoms and it has been a wet season. He got 2 big (60+#) but not giant pumpkins. Still, we have had much fun. They carved them very fancily on Halloween. The rin is more than 4 inches thick but they did a really good job. Precious memories.

  8. Hi, Alice, This comment generates such endearing imagery of a grandmother working lovingly with her grandchildren in the garden. Truly priceless. Thank you for sharing. Good for you for taking them into this connection with the Earth, which will serve them for the rest of their lives! Hugs! Kathryn xoxo

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