Best Doggie Biscuits!

Ruby and Conner

These lovelies grace my life. All the time. So it’s not a stretch to imagine I would bake them biscuits. Not often, mind you. But today. If the waggy tails and enthusiastic licking of chops is any indicator, this is a recipe to be shared.

Best Doggie Biscuits! (Maybe in the World)

1 C. chicken broth
1/3 cup softened butter
1 C. of rolled oats
4 T. brewer’s yeast
1 square of chicken bouillon
1/2 C. pumpkin puree
1/2 C. shredded apple
small block of cheddar cheese, grated
1/2 C. cornmeal
2 T. honey
1 egg
approx. 2 C. of rice flour
pinch of salt

Set oven to 325 degrees F.
Oil cookie sheet.

In a large bowl combine 1 C. rolled oats, butter, brewer’s yeast. Pour 1 C. of hot chicken broth over this mixture. Stir.
Add bouillon and stir. Add honey and stir. Add cornmeal, shredded apple, pumpkin puree, cheese, pinch of salt. Mix in egg.
Begin adding rice flour until a stiff dough is formed, appropriate to roll out 1/2 inch thick on a floured board. Use cookie cutter to cut your favorite shapes. You will need to repeat the process several times.
Bake in oven for half an hour.
Cool on wired cooling rack. You have healthy, nutritious, yummy dog biscuits!
Remember these do not have preservatives in them. Best to set aside what you will use soon and freeze the rest in individual freezer bags and take out as needed. Your doggies will LOVE you! No dogs? Maybe you would consider making for a loved one who has a special canine companion. What a thoughtful Christmas present!

Love and kitchen blessings,
Kathryn xoxoox

Book News! Many thanks to all the folks I met yesterday at Copperfield’s Books in Calistoga who bought signed copies of Plant Whatever Brings You Joy! It was a joy to meet you!
Kathryn and Mark Wickhum, manager of Copperfield’s Books in Calistoga

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6 Responses to “Best Doggie Biscuits!”

  1. This almost makes me wish I had a dog! 🙂

  2. Hi, Liz! These were so fun to make! And I didn’t try one–but I was tempted!
    The dough smelled delicious! And I don’t think I’ve ever seen my doggies’ eyes quite so big! 🙂 Kathryn xoxo

  3. Awwwe! Very sweet! I bet they’re enjoyed more than the packaged variety, and are far better for them! They look a touch tempting to try, don’t they? ;-D

    Love you,

  4. Hi, Antonia! You will see when you come up for Thanksgiving! They are CRAZY about these biscuits! And, yes, they are very tempting! We can try one when you are here! LOL! Love, Mom xoxo

  5. Well, don’t have a dog but these sure sound tempting! Thanksgiving blessings, dear Kathryn.

  6. Good evening, Joey! If you did have a dog, these would be on your agenda, I’m sure! Thank you for the holiday well wishes. Blessings! Kathryn xoox

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