The Energizing Power of the Day Trip!

Yesterday morning my darling daughter rang me to read her latest post prior to publishing. This is a weekly ritual. First line: “I ran away from home yesterday.” Intriguing! And dangerous, I knew. I could feel the adventure pangs immediately and the more she read the stronger they got. I punctuated her last words with […]

Field Trip: Oak Hill Farm

It’s right about this time of year that I begin thinking of meandering over to Oak Hill Farm, not only for their abundant choices of splendid organic vegetables, but because they have an annual tradition of creating the most wonderful altar in honor of Day of the Dead, which we are inclined in California to […]

Hwy. 12–Sonoma’s Wine Country

In 1995 my Grandmother turned 96. This turning implied more than a turning of the page. It was a turning of the corner. After effectively caring for herself nearly an entire century, she simply could do it no longer. Clearly. After soul searching and chest pounding and tears and prayer I took a step I […]

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