Mendocino Botanical Gardens: Dahlias!

Presenting my first booksigning at Gallery Bookshop in the village of Mendocino last Friday had an unexpected bonus: I found out the dahlias were in bloom at Mendocino Botanical Gardens. Synchronistically, I had arranged to drop off a stack of my books for their garden shop the next day, so after an early morning run […]

What Lay Beyond the Gate?

Crossing through the deer gate Antonia and I continued our walk among the broadleaved rhododendrons when unexpectedly I spotted a small family cemetery ahead. Steeped in years of geneological research I was immediately intrigued and gravitated to the site full of curiosity, and knowing how special what I was about to encounter would be. I […]

Rhododendron Splendor

In a burst of pink my daughter and I began our trek through the rhododendron splendors of the Mendocino Botanical Garden forest yesterday. The magnificently beautiful journey was well beyond either of our expectations. We quickly found ourselves immersed in unspeakable flower power, the spirit of which emanated from all the regions through which we […]

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