Plant Whatever Brings You Joy!

Dear Readers: By now many of you have learned that my new book Plant Whatever Brings You Joy: Blessed Wisdom from the Garden is built around 52 lessons or metaphors from the garden. The chapter which became the name of the book–and ultimately the name of this blog–here follows. Enjoy! Plant Whatever Brings You Joy! […]

Dream realized!!

Dearest Readers, Today was a special and very important day in my life here in Northern California. Over twenty years ago I removed myself from the intricacies of life in Marin County, where I largely raised my daughter Antonia, and, essentially, “Mom moved to the country and got a dog”. Dream number one realized. And […]

The Promise of Spring–Oh, Joy!

Today is a special day, what is known as a cross-quarter day on the solar calendar, as February 2nd marks the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It sounds promising, does it not? This day was marked by the ancient Irish as Imbolc, also known as St. Brigid’s Day, and later […]

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