Mendocino Botanical Gardens: Dahlias!

Presenting my first booksigning at Gallery Bookshop in the village of Mendocino last Friday had an unexpected bonus: I found out the dahlias were in bloom at Mendocino Botanical Gardens. Synchronistically, I had arranged to drop off a stack of my books for their garden shop the next day, so after an early morning run […]

Flower Mandalas!

Tibetan mandala, 14th C. I’m not sure what got me thinking about flower mandalas. I used to make them regularly. I think this was when I lived in Santa Rosa on four acres and had an abundance of materials to choose from. When I first decided to write this post I actually thought I’d gotten […]

Summer in the Rear View Mirror

Yesterday, as if I needed a reminder (I didn’t), rain fell gently upon the Earth all morning harkening the end of summer and the changing of the seasons. I’d already begun to reflect with nostalgia on certain visuals I found still lodged in the memory of my camera, light bound in a black box, serving […]

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