Sheepdog Trials at Hopland

Sunday afternoon saw me traipsing out to Hopland with Ruby and Conner in tow, to join my friends Marsha and John and their two Border Collies, Stella, and Ruby’s brother, Cooper, to the Sheepdog Trials. I was happy as a lark! Cooper One reason I was particularly excited was that I knew Dee, Ruby’s breeder, […]

The White Picket Fence

The first time I moved to Mendocino was when Antonia went off to college and “mom moved to the country to get a dog.” I went from a burgeoning Marin County to a little bitty town out on the coast, directly across the street from the raging ocean on the headlands. Oh my gosh, it […]

The Joy of New Tools!

I don’t care what those oil pigs charge us for gasoline (oink, oink) I will not go back to a motorless lawn mower, especially now that I’m forever hooked on my new Lawnboy. Yes, Lawnboy. No, not that kind of lawnboy. My Lawnboy! Here he is, standing in the bright, hot California sunshine: Here’s how […]

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