First Signs

I must admit, as much as I appreciate the much needed rain, I am far more reluctant to venture out to the furthest reaches of the garden due to The Mud Situation. But venture I did recently, fetching a dog. Imagine my surprise when I turned round and saw the quince all awash in buds, […]


Borage Honestly? Prior to moving here I had never heard of an herb called borage. I found it in abundance in the kitchen garden and had to inquire about what it was. To this day I call it BOR-age, as if were two clear syllables. And French. I have since learned that herbalists (around here, […]

Last Dance Until Spring? Maybe.

It may be 80 degrees this sunny afternoon but already I am steeping in nostalgia. I am clinging to the last of the roses, saying thank you to each and good bye, allowing the adorable rose hips to finally have their time and way. I am blowing kisses to the last hollyhock for charming the […]

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