Baby Towhee

Adult California towhee Yesterday morning in a burst of energetic inspiration I spent nearly three hours trimming back all manner of growth in the garden. Trumpet vine largely, which is gorgeous and unruly. Also spent leaves from the hollyhock, and those flowers on the butterfly bushes past their prime and a few roses needing deadheading, […]

Bee Friendly

bird bath set up for the bees Sometimes when I’m pondering posts for this blog, now, after five and a half years of blogging I have to doublecheck to see if I might already have covered some percolating idea. This post rather falls in that category, for I did, indeed, write a post a few […]

The Butterfly Cafe

Western Swallowtail One of my greatest joys this summer has been reaping the benefits of planting this buddleia last year, for it has emerged as the neighborhood Butterfly Cafe, and I have been there nearly daily to bear witness, to photograph and to share with loved ones, including those I know through social media! What […]

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