Book Notes: The Snow Child

The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey caught my attention recently while looking for a new book to read against the cold of winter. At that moment snows had captured the surrounding mountain tops where I live and spring seemed too far away. Surrendering to the inevitability of the season I ordered the book and was […]

Book Notes: Free-Range Chicken Gardens

My love affair with chickens began when I was a small girl living in the undeveloped mountain terrain of Southern California. We lived on a farm, and we had horses, goats and a pen full of chickens, as well as a cat here and there and a cocker spaniel named Cherry. One very early photo […]

Lovely Rose Beads!

Fresh rose petals! Wondering what to do with all those lovely rose petals emerging in your garden? You’re in luck! One of my favorite parts of Practical Herbs by Henriette Kress was her instructions for making rose beads, and she generously agreed to allow me to excerpt that section of the book so you might […]

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